Help Trowell Parish Council to Report Issues
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Posted in Parish News
Trowell Parish Council regularly report issues to the relevant authorities regarding potholes, fly-tipping, dog fouling and more, and will continue to do so. However, you as residents have the power to report these issues immediately as you see them.
We are asking that people use the app called MyNotts, which is available to download on all Android and Apple phones, where you can immediately report issues, such as:
Flooding, drains, obstructions, potholes, road and pavement damage, street lighting issues, overhanging trees and overgrown vegetation.
Other issues like: abandoned vehicles, dog fouling, fly-posting, fly-tipping, graffiti, litter, litter/dog bin issues, can be reported using the following link:
The more reports made, hopefully the quicker the issues will be resolved.
Thank you in anticipation.