What can we do about dog fouling in the village?
Answer: Report to the Neighbourhood Wardens at Broxtowe Borough Council on 0115 9173142, or, env@broxtowe.gov.uk
Do I need an appointment to contact the Trowell parish clerk?
Answer: No, not to contact her by telephone or email, but to visit in person, yes, as due to various commitments she is not always free.
Office hours are Mon-Thurs 9am-2pm 0115 9989774 or clerk@trowell.org.uk
Car parking issues around school?
Answer: Depending upon the nature/seriousness of the issue, report the problems to the following parties, the school 0115 932 0962 or office@trowell.notts.sch.uk, Broxtowe Borough Council on 0115 9173620 or parkingservices@broxtowe.gov.uk, or the Police as appropriate.
How do I report the horrible smell in the village?
Answer: Environment Agency on 0800 807060, or enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk .