Planning & Environment Committee

The business of the Planning & Environment Committee is currently carried out at full council meetings.

Terms of reference


 1. The Committee shall report to the Parish Council on the following:

(a) Planning & Environment matters as defined by these Terms of reference;

(b) Any other business that the Council has delegated to the Committee.

 2. The Committee will maintain effective liaison with all other Committees on inter-related matters.

 3. The Committee is allowed to spend up to £200 per month for urgent purposes.

 4. The Committee will meet at least 3 times per year.

 5. In exceptional circumstances to approve accounts for payment subject to there being a majority of Councillors present and being in favour.

Matters for consideration

  6. Planning applications
(a) Routine planning applications e.g. alterations & extensions to domestic properties

The Chair, at their discretion with one other Committee member, usually the Vice-chair, may process these applications in order to prevent delays.  This authority is a delegated power from the Council.

(b) Major planning applications e.g. new dwellings, alterations and extensions to commercial premises & change of use of all properties

If plans submitted to the Council cannot be processed due to time constraints imposed by the planning authority then the Clerk shall distribute the relevant documentation to all Council Members for comments.  Should the returned documents differ then the Chair shall call a special full Council meeting to consider the application.

(c) Planning Register

The Clerk is to keep a register of all planning applications, showing Committee actions.  The register is to be presented at each Committee meeting.

 7. General Development & Planning Proposals

The Committee is to evaluate any proposals, local plans, green belt & improvement schemes etc and make recommendations to the Council.

 8. Environment
(a) Footpaths etc

The Committee is to maintain a register of all public footpaths, bridleways, etc.  Recommendations should be made to ensure all footpaths etc are kept in use and are maintained in good condition.

(b) Trees, hedgerows & roadside verges

The Committee is to deal with all matters relating to these items except those in the Parish Hall grounds.

(c) Transport & public amenities

To exercise the care and supervision of bus shelters, Parish noticeboards, litter bins, seats and winter grit bins.

9. To submit an annual budget to the Finance & General Purpose Committee before their precept meeting each year .