Council committees
The council carries out its business through committees of councillors and staff This allows subjects to be considered in more detail than is possible during full council meetings. Recommendations from the committees are then put to the full council for endorsement.
The committees are:
- Finance and General Purposes Committee. The Finance Committee is a committee of the Parish Council. Committees are bound by the Council’s Standing orders. The Finance Committee currently has delegated powers, they draft the budget and review the year end accounts. They also make recommendations to the Council. Meetings are required to be held in public.
- Parish Hall and Grounds Committee. The Parish Hall and Grounds Committee is a committee of the Parish Council. Committees are bound by the Council’s standing orders. The Parish Hall and Grounds committee currently has delegated powers, it reviews matters and produces recommendations for the Parish Council. Meetings are required to be held in public.
- Planning and Environment Committee. (As there is relatively little business for the Planning and Environment Committee these matters are considered during the full council meetings).
- HR Committee is a committee of the Parish Council. Committees are bound by the Council’s standing orders. As the HR Committee deals with confidential matters, meetings may not be held in public.
- Events Committee. The Events Committee is a committee of the Parish Council and are bound by the Council’s standing orders. The Events committee as delegated powers to provide events and entertainment for the Residents of Trowell. The meetings are required to be held in public.
- Pervious years minutes can be found under Polices and Document Archive