Trowell Newsletter Editorial Committee

Terms of reference

  1. The Committee shall report directly to the Council.
  2. The Council is responsible for the finances involved and these will be recorded and monitored under a “Parish Council Publications” cost centre.
  3. The Committee shall monitor the budget at each Committee meeting and report directly to the Council accordingly.
  4. The Chair of the committee will ordinarily be the Editor, but an exception will be made if circumstances dictate.
  5. The committee shall meet at least 3 times per annum.
  6. That the dates for newsletter delivery, articles and productionare set at thte first Committee meeting of each new Committee cycle.
  7. Four individuals are needed for a quorum.  In the case of this Committee only, under exceptional circumstances the Clerk may be included in this number
  8. The Clerk is to act as an administrator to the Committee as part of his/her normal duties.
  9. From time to time, as required, non Council representatives may be invited to join this Committee.