Your Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing Strategy Engagement | Nottinghamshire County Council
The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy is Nottinghamshire’s plan for improving the health and wellbeing of our residents, and for reducing health inequalities. We want to hear from you on what matters to you and your health and wellbeing - You can give us your views by attending a roadshow or by completing one of our online surveys below.
Virtual Roadshow
(Book at Eventbrite)
Microsoft Teams
15 December
7.30pm – 8.30pm
Tell us your views by completing our survey: Nottinghamshire Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022 – 2026.
We also want to hear from children and young people about what matters to their health and wellbeing in our Children and Young People's Survey.
*There is an easy read version available - If you would like the Easy Read version to be sent to you by post, please email us at or call the Customer Service Centre (0300 500 8080).