Responsibilities for services within Trowell
Nottinghamshire County Council Tel: 300 500 80 80
Blocked drains; Flooding; Street lights; Street cleaning; Some grass cutting; Trees and hedges (on the highway); Pavements and verges; Parking on grass verges; Roadworks; Roads including pot holes; Yellow grit bins; Environmental issues (in conjunction with Broxtowe Borough Council)
Broxtowe Borough Council Tel: 0115 917 77 77
Refuse collections; Fly tipping; Street cleaning; Grass cutting; Trees and hedges; Dog fouling; Dog warden; Graffiti; Housing issues; Environmental issues
(in conjunction with Notts County Council)
Trowell Parish Council Tel: 0115 998 97 74
Manages the parish hall; Manages the parish hall play park; Consults on planning applications; Christmas lights; Boundary planters; Blue grit bins; Environmental Issues; Represents the village; Supports local groups; Protects the village’s interests; Organise community events